Please note
All fees are calculated to take into account public holidays also 4 weeks of annual coaches holidays, hence your fees do not change when there is a five week month allowing four weeks per year holidays.
Extra sessions will be organised should we go over this allowance which everyone will be informed of.
We are open during half term holidays and also summer holidays unless otherwise stated within the dates below.
Where possible we will do our best to offer extra sessions or swap sessions if places are available as we appreciate some dates clash with parents holidays.
Day & occasion Date Open or closed
Good Friday April 7th Gym closed
Easter Sunday April 9th Gym closed
Easter Monday April 10th Gym closed
Coaches holiday one week April 28th Gym closed re open Sunday 7th May
Coaches holiday one week June 23rd Gym closed re open Friday 30th June
Coaches holiday Aug TBC Likely to be first week or 10 days
Coaches holiday Oct TBC
Xmas holiday Dates TBC
Thank you
Kandy x