Competitions for 2025
Please note.
Below is the competition calendar of events that is available to us throughout 2025.
This does not mean PHF gymnasts will attend all the events listed below.
We want to make sure each gymnast is following the correct pathway for them.
We have gymnasts working at all the levels below, selections will be made by the coaches as to which gymnasts attend which competitions.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, we will be happy to discuss the relevant pathways for each individual gymnast.
Competition Date Event Entry fee deadline Venue
16th February Challenge Cup Qualifier 2 £20 15th Jan Harrogate
14th 24th February Half Term Break Woldgate School Pocklington
7th March Controlled Comp & Club Grades £15 10th Feb Pocklington
16th March Challenge Cup Semi Final £20 10th Feb Harrogate
22 23rd March Q1 League qualifier 1 £30 15th Feb Sunderland
4th 22nd April Easter Break Woldgate School Pocklington
5th 6 th April English Qualification 1 £60 20th Feb Birmingham
12th 13th April FIG Qualification 1 £60 25th Feb Telford Centre
3rd 4th May Q2 League qualifier 2 £30 1st April Bath University
23rd May 2nd June May Half Term Break Woldgate School Pocklington
30th 31st May English Qualification 2 £60 20th April Telford Centre
14th June Controlled Comp & Club Grades £15 10th Feb Pocklington
21st 22nd June FIG Qualification 2 £60 1st May Telford Centre
28th 29th June League qualifier 3 £30 15th May Cardiff
4th 6th July English Championships Finals £75 20th July Coventry
11th 13th July Inter Regional Cup Final £60 15th May Birmingham
18th July 2nd Sept School Summer Holidays Woldgate School Pocklington
2nd 3rd August British Adult Championships £45 10th June Lilleshall NSC
27th Sept Controlled Comp & Club Grades £15 10th Feb Pocklington
4th 5 th October Nat Age Group & British Finals £100 15th Aug Telford Centre
18th 19th October National League Finals £45 10th Sept Derby Arena
24th Oct -3rd Nov School Oct Half Term Woldgate School Pocklington
The following events are still TBC Yorkshire Championships-PHF Awards evening- Christmas break.
Key Explained
Green = Club Grades for gymnasts who want to achieve club level grades 1 2 & 3 prior to attending the regional Grading qualifiers.
Regional level competition qualifying events include level 1 2 3 & 4.
2 x Regional Qualifiers 1 x Regional Semi-Final 1 x National Final
Blue = Regional & National level gymnasts can attend the League Events – there are 3 different levels starting at level 3 - 2 & 1
3 x National Qualifiers & 1 x National Final
Pink= English National Qualifiers National & Elite level competitors only, pathway leading to Potential England Development Junior & Senior Squads
2 x National Qualifiers
1 x National Finals resulting in The English Championships for Silver and Gold Levels
Grey = British National Qualifiers Elite level competitors only, pathway leading to potential GBR Development - Junior & Senior Squads - Future Olympics Potential.
2 x National Qualifiers
1 x National Age Group Final
1 x British Championships Finals if gymnasts qualify.
British Adults Championships
For Adults who want to compete after the age of 18 years old, also who no longer compete for GBR or English Home Nation squads.
1 x Championships each year
All Disciplines offered to include Men’s & Women’s Artistic Gymnastics – Acro – Tumbling – Trampolining.
Levels from Novice to pro and open higher-level ability compete to win the title of British Adult Champion in their specific discipline or Team.
Please also note.
Each time we enter Gymnasts into a competition the club must provide the following.
Coaches - Judges - Volunteers – welfare officers.
All of whom need specific qualifications and rigorous Safeguarding and DBS Vetting before we can be accepted into any event.
We also rely on a lot of voluntary time being given which is so very appreciated, with your help we can make sure all our gymnasts can enjoy the event in a very safe environment with everyone working together to make competing at all levels as enjoyable as possible.
Thank you as always for your support.
Kandy and the PHF Team.