Hannah Stubley
My Story
I first joined gym when I was 6 years old in the recreational gymnastics sessions. I was very shy when I first started at gym and I remember crying during my first session because I couldn’t to do a push up, little did I know I’d spend the next 12 years doing hundreds (and thousands) of them! Thankfully I didn’t let the push-ups scare me away because 6 year-old me would be so happy with everything that I went on to achieve and the things it has led me to since. I can’t imagine what growing up without the club and sport would have been like and it’s been pivotal in shaping my future and what I do today.
My time at gym taught me so many things, the list would be endless. It felt more like a second home than a gym, and everyone was like one big family – the most supportive, welcoming atmosphere I could have asked for. We used to train 4-5 times a week so I quickly learnt what hard work was, especially at Kandy’s conditioning sessions! As well as competing, I also became a coach and judge which I really enjoyed as it allowed me to become involved with the club in different ways and see the sport from different perspectives. I still love popping back to the gym when I’m home from uni to see everyone!
My 12 years at the club helped me to achieve so many things, both within the sport as well as outside the sport. It has helped me to become a much more confident and resilient person and also taught me that I could achieve anything I put my mind to it – thanks to this I’m now in a career which I absolutely love and wouldn’t have imagined possible. Through the club, I have made some of the most incredible memories and the best of friends which is something I will always be so grateful for.
This is the day I got my first ever leotard so I went home and had a photoshoot in the garden - I’m pleased to say that my straddle jump improved over the years! I remember being so excited when I got my first club leotard and tracksuit!

Some of my favourite memories from gym were the international competitions – this was my first ever international competition in Portugal and I look back with such happy memories.
Competing in Loule was one of the scariest but best things I’ve ever done!
This was at the Yorkshire championships in 2015. My first ever competition was the Yorkshire championships in 2008!

I’ve just finished my final year medical school exams at Hull York Medical School and will be graduating as a doctor in July. Over the years I have learnt so many important lessons from gym which have allowed me to get me to where I am today, one of the most important being to believe in myself and never to give up. To this day, I can still hear Kandy’s voice telling me ‘can’t means won’t’ which gives me a little boost whenever I need it.